Foreign aid
Around half of Australians (47%) say that the government should spend less on foreign aid. However, Australians have very inflated perceptions of the size of Australia’s aid budget. In a question first presented in 2011, we asked Australians this year what percentage of the Australian federal budget they think is ‘actually spent on foreign aid’, and what percentage they think ‘should be spent on foreign aid’. In 2018, Australia’s aid budget is $3.9 billion, which is approximately 0.8% of the federal budget. However, this year’s Poll finds that on average, Australians think that 14% of the budget is actually spent on aid, while they think 10% of the budget should be spent on aid. More than one in five (21%) say that 20% or more of the budget is directed to aid. Very few Australians estimate the amount of the aid budget correctly, with only 6% saying that less than 1% of the Australian federal budget is actually spent on aid.
7 questions match this theme
Foreign aid
Effect of foreign aid
Thinking now about the aid the Australian government provides to developing countries. In your view, does giving foreign aid to other countries help, hurt, or make no difference to...
Asked inForeign aid
Support for size of aid budget
Thinking now about the aid the Australian government provides to developing countries. Currently the government provides approximately five billion dollars in aid to developing countries, or around 1.2 per cent of the budget. Do you think this is too high, too low or about right?
Foreign aid
Most important objective of foreign aid
Now about possible objectives for Australia's overseas aid program. Which ONE of the following do you yourself think is the most important objective of Australia’s overseas aid program
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Goals of Australian foreign policy
Thinking about what Australian foreign policy should be trying to achieve, I am going to read a list of goals, and ask you to tell me how important each one is for Australia.
Foreign aid
Amount of aid given to developing countries
Do you personally think the government is currently giving too much, too little or about the right amount of aid to developing countries?
Asked inForeign aid
Objectives of foreign aid
Now about four possible objectives for Australia’s overseas aid program. Please say whether you regard each as a top priority, somewhat of a priority or not a priority.
Asked inForeign aid
Views of foreign aid
Thinking about the Australian Government giving aid to poor countries, which of the following statements is closest to your view?
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