Australian foreign policy
Australians are divided on many of the big questions about our role in the world. Half the country wants Australia to play a more influential role in the world, the other half would prefer Australia turned inwards. The majority of Australians consider democratic values to be more important than economic interests, when prosecuting foreign policy. But most Australians would also prioritise national interests over global agreements, when a clash occurred between the two in a global forum. As great power competition continues to escalate, Australians are divided on our relationship with the world's superpowers. Older Australians say the relationship with the United States is most important, whereas young Australians choose China as a more important partner.
65 questions match this theme
Australian foreign policy
Australian values and foreign policy
In dealing with international problems, there can sometimes be a clash between Australia’s economic interests and Australia’s democratic values. When that happens, should interests or values be considered more important?
Australian foreign policy
Domestic interests and global cooperation
When trying to address global problems, there can sometimes be a clash between Australia’s domestic interests and a global agreement being debated within an international institution. If that happens, what do you think the Australian government should do?
Asked inRelations with the US and China
Relations with superpowers - US and China
Is Australia's relationship with China or the United States more important to Australia?
Pacific Islands
Australia in the Pacific
Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's best friend in the world
Now about Australia’s relations with other countries around the world. In your personal opinion, which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend?
Economic and trade policy
Budget priorities
Now about the federal budget. If you were making up the budget for the federal government this year, would you personally increase spending, decrease spending or keep spending about the same for...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Elections and foreign policy
Which major party would do a better job of handling the following foreign policy issues?
Security and defence
Foreign technology in Australia
What should the government prioritise when considering which foreign companies should be allowed to supply new technology for important services in Australia?
Asked inRelations with the US and China
Relations with superpowers
Should the Australian government prioritise the United States or China, even if it may harm relations with the other?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Use of Australian military forces
There has been some discussion about the circumstances that might justify using Australian military forces in other parts of the world. Please give your opinion about the following situations. Would you personally be in favour or against the use of Australian military forces...
United States
Australia and the United States under President Trump
Should Australia remain close to the United States under the presidency of Donald Trump?
Security and defence
Foreign influence in Australian politics
Are you personally concerned or not concerned about the influence of each of the following countries on Australia’s political processes?
Asked inRelations with the US and China
Good relations with the US and China
Do you think it is possible or not possible for Australia to have a good relationship with China and a good relationship with the United States at the same time?
United States
Joint military action under President Trump
Should Australia cooperate militarily with the United States under the presidency of Donald Trump?
Australian foreign policy
Satisfaction with the direction of the world
And turning to the situation in the world overall, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in the world today?
Security and defence
Terrorism as a threat to Australia's interests
Do you agree or disagree the following is a reason why terrorism may be a threat to Australia's vital interests?
Asked inChina
Freedom of navigation in the South China Sea
In response to China's increasing military activities in the South China Sea, the United States has been conducting freedom of navigation operations designed to ensure freedom of navigation in the region. Are you personally in favour or against Australia conducting similar operations in an effort to ensure freedom of navigation in the South China Sea?
Pacific Islands
Future intervention in Pacific
If there is another major crisis in the Pacific, such as happened in the Solomon Islands in 2003, do you personally think Australia should ... ?
Asked inUnited States
Reasons for unfavourable opinions of the US
Do any of the following factors cause you to have an unfavourable opinion of the United States?
Australian foreign policy
Australia's role in the world
Thinking about Australia’s role in the world. Which one of the following statements most closely represents your own view...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australian Prime Ministers and Foreign Policy
In your personal view, has each of the following prime ministers done a very good job, a reasonable job, or a poor job in handling Australia’s foreign policy?
Asked inIndonesia
Importance of Indonesia to Australia
In your personal view, how important is Indonesia to Australia?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Important issues facing Australia
Please say whether you personally think each of the following is a very important issue, a somewhat important issue, or not an important issue facing Australia at the moment...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Kevin Rudd as United Nations Secretary General
A new Secretary General of the UN will be elected at the end of this year, and Kevin Rudd has been named as a possible candidate. In your personal view, would Kevin Rudd be a good Secretary-General of the UN, or not?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia in the G20 and UNSC
Is the effort to host the G20 or hold a seat on the United Nations Security Council worth the cost for Australia?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Data retention legislation and privacy
Is Australian government legislation to retain communications data justified or not justified as part of the effort to combat terrorism and protect national security?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Global abolition of the death penalty
Do you personally think the Australian Government should or should not play an active role in pushing for the abolition of the death penalty internationally?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Government responses to the execution of Australians overseas
The following Is a list of ways for the Australian government to respond if an Australian citizen is executed in another country as a result of a death penalty. Do you personally agree or disagree that the Australian government should...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's bilateral relationships
In your opinion, are Australia's with the following countries improving, worsening, or staying about the same.
Immigration and refugees
Australia's population
Now about the size of Australia’s population in the next 40 years or so. Which one of the following do you personally think would be the best target population for Australia in the next 40 years?
Australian foreign policy
Australian government agencies
How important are the Australian government agencies involved in international relations?
Asked inWorld leaders and countries
Female leaders in the world
Would the world be better or worse if we had more female political leaders?
Asked inWorld leaders and countries
Influence of female leaders in the world
Would the world be more just, more peaceful and more prosperous if the world had more female political leaders?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia after the UN Security Council
Will Australia’s time on the United Nations Security Council will give Australia a lot more influence, a little more influence, or make no difference to Australia’s influence in the world?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia and the Anglosphere
Thinking about Australia’s foreign relations, are you personally in favour or against the government putting a special emphasis on the countries belonging to the Anglosphere?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia in the UN Security Council
Will Australia’s time on the United Nations Security Council will be good for Australia, bad for Australia, or make no difference?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australian policy towards Asia
What do you personally think about the current Australian government’s emphasis on Asia in terms of Australia’s foreign policy?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australian responses to Asia's growth
As the Asian region grows and becomes more significant, do you personally think it is very important, somewhat important or not important for the Australian government to do each of the following in response?
Security and defence
Government spending on defence
I am now going to read you three statements about Australian government spending on Defence. Please say which statement comes closest to your own personal view about government spending on Defence.
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Sources of international news
Firstly about where you get your own information about international news. For each of the following please tell me if you use this source often, sometimes or never to get international news?
Australian foreign policy
Australia and New Zealand merger
If Australia and New Zealand joined to become a single country, do you think this would be good for both countries, good for Australia but bad for New Zealand, good for New Zealand but bad for Australia, or bad for both countries?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Economic integration with New Zealand
In your opinion, has economic integration between Australia and New Zealand gone too far, not far enough or is it about right?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Importance of positive views of Australia
And now about Australia’s relationships with people from other countries in our region. Do you personally think it is important or not important for Australia to be seen in a positive light by people from countries in our region?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Joint Australian and New Zealand dollar
Do you support or oppose the New Zealand and Australian dollars being replaced by a joint ANZAC dollar?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Similarities between Australia and New Zealand
Thinking about the last ten years, do you think Australia and New Zealand have become more like each other, less like each other or have the differences stayed about the same?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Goals of Australian foreign policy
Thinking about what Australian foreign policy should be trying to achieve, I am going to read a list of goals, and ask you to tell me how important each one is for Australia.
Australian foreign policy
The influence of the 'West'
Compared to ten years ago, do you feel that Western influence around the world has increased, decreased, or has it stayed about the same?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's bilateral relationships under the Rudd government
Since the Rudd government was elected in November 2007, do you think Australia's relations with each of the following countries are now better or worse?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's place in the world
Thinking about Australia's place in the world, do you think Australia is more a part of Asia, the Pacific, Europe, or not really part of any region?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Government attention paid to public opinion
Do you personally think the government pays too much, too little or the right amount of attention to the opinions of people such as yourself in making foreign policy?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Indian student attacks
Do you personally think Australia’s relationship with India has been damaged or has not been damaged following the recent attacks on Indian students in Australia?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Morality of Australian foreign policy
Now about Australia’s foreign policy. Do you think that, as compared to other countries, the morality of Australia’s foreign policy is above average, about average, or below average?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Nuclear weapons in Australia
Would you be in favour of Australia developing nuclear weapons, if near neighbours began to develop nuclear weapons?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's bid for a UNSC seat
Should Australia should seek a temporary seat on the United Nations Security Council?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's influence in the world
Is Australia a top 10 country?
Asked inUnited States
US elections and Australia's interests
What difference do you think the outcome of the US Presidential election will have on Australia and our international interests?
Asked inUnited States
Opinions of Americans
Please tell me if you have a very favourable, somewhat favourable, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable opinion of Americans.
Asked inUnited States
Opinions of the United States
Please tell me if you have a very favourable, somewhat favourable, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable opinion of the United States.
Asked inSecurity and defence
Outlook for Australia's international security
Overall, how optimistic are you about Australia’s international security over the next five years?
Australian foreign policy
Australia's role in world affairs
Do you think it will be best for the future of Australia if we take an active part in world affairs or if we stay out of world affairs?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
News about foreign relations
When you follow the news these days, how interested are you in news about the relations of Australia with other countries?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's compliance with international law
Should Australia be bound by international law, even if decisions will sometimes go against us?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Characteristics of Australia
Which of the following characteristics would you agree describe Australia and our place in the world?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Impact of foreign policy on everyday life
How much impact do you think the foreign policy decisions taken by government have on your everyday life (a great deal, some, not much, none)?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Use of Australian military forces
In what situation should Australia deploy its armed forces?
Asked in