35 questions match this tag
Security and defence
Australia's intelligence agencies
Now about Australia’s intelligence activities and national security. For each of the statements below, please indicate whether you agree or disagree...
Asked inSecurity and defence
Threats to Australia's vital interests
Below is a list of possible threats to the vital interest of Australia in the next ten years. Do you see this as a critical threat, an important but not critical threat, or not an important threat at all?
Indonesia and terrorism
Now about Indonesia. I am going to read out a number of statements about Indonesia. For each one please say whether you personally agree or disagree.
Security and defence
Use of Australian military forces
There has been some discussion about the circumstances that might justify using Australian military forces in other parts of the world. Please give your opinion about the following situations. Would you personally be in favour or against the use of Australian military forces...
Security and defence
Terrorism as a threat to Australia's interests
Do you agree or disagree the following is a reason why terrorism may be a threat to Australia's vital interests?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Air strikes against Islamic State
Are you personally in favour or against Australia conducting air strikes against Islamic State in Syria?
Asked inIndonesia
Importance of Indonesia to Australia
In your personal view, how important is Indonesia to Australia?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Global risk priorities for Australia
Do you see the following as a high, moderate, low or no risk to Australia's security in the next ten years?
Asked inIndonesia
Indonesia's relationship with Australia
Which one of the following two words do you personally think best describes Indonesia's relationship with Australia? Would you say …?
Asked inIndonesia
Policy priorities with Indonesia
Thinking now about the issues the Indonesian and Australian governments should be working on together. And which one of these issues do you personally think is the most important?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Spying practices
Which countries is it acceptable for Australia to spy on?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Costs and benefits of war in Afghanistan
All in all, considering the costs to Australia versus the benefits to Australia, do you personally think the war in Afghanistan has been worth fighting, or not worth fighting?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Government spending on defence
I am now going to read you three statements about Australian government spending on Defence. Please say which statement comes closest to your own personal view about government spending on Defence.
Asked inSecurity and defence
Government's response to terrorism
Now about government responses to terrorism. Since 9/11 and the Bali bombings, Australia has been trying to stop terrorist attacks against its citizens. Please say which one of the following statements you personally agree with most...
Asked inSecurity and defence
Continued military involvement in Afghanistan
Should Australia continue to be involved militarily in Afghanistan?
Security and defence
Costs and benefits of war in Iraq
In overall terms, do you personally agree or disagree that the war in Iraq was worth the costs for Australia? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Special forces remaining in Afghanistan
Would you personally be in favour or against Australian special forces staying on in Afghanistan to work alongside US special forces in more limited counter-terrorism operations after major combat operations end?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Australia's involvement in Afghanistan
Is this a valid reason for Australia to remain militarily involved in Afghanistan?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Goals of Australian foreign policy
Thinking about what Australian foreign policy should be trying to achieve, I am going to read a list of goals, and ask you to tell me how important each one is for Australia.
Security and defence
UN-authorised military intervention
In situations like Libya, are you personally in favour or against the UN Security Council authorising military intervention to try to stop the government from attacking its own citizens?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Confidence of aims in Afghanistan
Are you confident that Australia has clear aims in Afghanistan?
Indonesia as a threat
Do you think Indonesia is more of a threat to Australia or less of a threat than it was 15 years ago, or has there been no change?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Threats to Australia's security
Is the Afghan war, instability in Pakistan or the Iranian nuclear program the greatest threat to Australia’s security at the moment?
Asked inIndonesia
Trajectory of Indonesia's democracy
Do you think Indonesia is more open and democratic or, less open and democratic today compared to say 15 years ago or is it about the same?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Goals of military involvement in Afghanistan
Thinking about Australia’s military involvement in Afghanistan, please say which of the following statements most closely reflects your own view. Australia is involved militarily in Afghanistan ...
Security and defence
Continued military involvement in Iraq
Should Australia continue to be involved militarily in Iraq?
Security and defence
Outlook for Australia's international security
Overall, how optimistic are you about Australia’s international security over the next five years?
Security and defence
Worry about threats
How worried are you about the following potential threats from the outside world.
Security and defence
Outcomes of military involvement in Iraq
I will now read out a number of statements about the Iraq War. Please say whether you agree or disagree with each statement.
Asked inSecurity and defence
Australia's involvement in Iraq
At the start of the Iraq War did you support or oppose Australia’s military involvement?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Democracy in the Middle East
Should Australia play an active role in efforts to promote democracy in the Middle East?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Extraterritorial strikes against terrorists
If we believed that terrorists based in another country were going to launch an attack against Australia, and if the other country could not or would not take action to stop them, should we have the right to strike directly at the terrorists?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Use of Australian military forces
In what situation should Australia deploy its armed forces?
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