21 questions match this tag
Security and defence
Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
Thinking now about Australia’s partnerships in the world. Would you support or oppose Australia forming a four-way partnership with the democracies of India, Japan and the United States to promote peace and security in the region?
Asked inRelations with the US and China
Trust in global powers
How much do you trust the following countries to act responsibly in the world?
Australian foreign policy
Australia's best friend in the world
Now about Australia’s relations with other countries around the world. In your personal opinion, which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend?
Economic and trade policy
Support for free trade
Overall, do you personally think free trade is good or bad for each of the following...
Economic and trade policy
World's leading economic powers
Today, which one of the following do you think is the world's leading economic power?
Australia's best friend in Asia
Thinking about Australia's relations in Asia. In your personal opinion, which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend in Asia?
Security and defence
New submarines
And now about Australia’s proposed purchase of new submarines. Companies in France, Germany and Japan are in a competitive tender to build Australia’s next generation of submarines. Which statement comes closest to your personal view?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Conflict between China and Japan
In the event of a military conflict between China and Japan, please say which one of the following statements comes closest to your own personal view.
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
Foreign investment in Australian real estate
Do you think the Australian government is allowing too much investment, about the right amount of investment, or not enough investment, from the following country or region?
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
North Asian free trade agreements
In 2014, Australia signed free trade agreements with Japan, Korea and China. On balance, do you personally think these kinds of free trade agreements are good or bad for the Australian economy and for Australia's relations with those countries, or do they make no difference?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Spying practices
Which countries is it acceptable for Australia to spy on?
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
Awareness of the G20
Have you personally heard of the G20 before today?
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
Importance of Australia in the G20
Do you personally think it is important or not important for Australia to be part of organisations or groups like the G20?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Important security partners for Australia
Which country do you personally think will be Australia's most important security partner over the next 10 years?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Important security partners for Australia
Which country do you personally think will be Australia's second-most important security partner over the next 10 years?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's bilateral relationships under the Rudd government
Since the Rudd government was elected in November 2007, do you think Australia's relations with each of the following countries are now better or worse?
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
Foreign investment by country
If a company, bank or investment fund controlled by a foreign government was trying to buy a controlling stake in a major Australian company: please say whether you would be strongly in favour, in favour, opposed, strongly opposed.
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
Attitudes to free trade
I am going to read you some statements about moving towards freer trade.
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
Free trade agreement with Japan
On balance, do you think signing a free trade agreement with Japan would be good or bad for Australia or would it make no difference?
Asked inEconomic and trade policy
Attitudes to international trade
Please say whether you are in favour or not in favour of each of the following approaches to international trade.
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