Human rights
31 questions match this tag
Security and defence
Australia's intelligence agencies
Now about Australia’s intelligence activities and national security. For each of the statements below, please indicate whether you agree or disagree...
Asked inChina
Australian government policies towards China
Would you support or oppose the following Australian government policies towards China?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australian values and foreign policy
In dealing with international problems, there can sometimes be a clash between Australia’s economic interests and Australia’s democratic values. When that happens, should interests or values be considered more important?
Pacific Islands
Attitudes to Papua New Guinea
Now a question about Papua New Guinea. Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
Pacific Islands
Australia in the Pacific
Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements...
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Immigration rate
Do you personally think that the total number of migrants coming to Australia each year is too high, too low or about right?
Security and defence
Use of Australian military forces
There has been some discussion about the circumstances that might justify using Australian military forces in other parts of the world. Please give your opinion about the following situations. Would you personally be in favour or against the use of Australian military forces...
Freedom of navigation in the South China Sea
In response to China's increasing military activities in the South China Sea, the United States has been conducting freedom of navigation operations designed to ensure freedom of navigation in the region. Are you personally in favour or against Australia conducting similar operations in an effort to ensure freedom of navigation in the South China Sea?
Pacific Islands
Future intervention in Pacific
If there is another major crisis in the Pacific, such as happened in the Solomon Islands in 2003, do you personally think Australia should ... ?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Australia's humanitarian policy options
Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia in the G20 and UNSC
Is the effort to host the G20 or hold a seat on the United Nations Security Council worth the cost for Australia?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Global abolition of the death penalty
Do you personally think the Australian Government should or should not play an active role in pushing for the abolition of the death penalty internationally?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Government responses to the execution of Australians overseas
The following Is a list of ways for the Australian government to respond if an Australian citizen is executed in another country as a result of a death penalty. Do you personally agree or disagree that the Australian government should...
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Asylum seeker policy
Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with the following policy ideas...
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Attention on the asylum seeker issue
Is the right amount of attention being given to the issue of asylum seekers?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia after the UN Security Council
Will Australia’s time on the United Nations Security Council will give Australia a lot more influence, a little more influence, or make no difference to Australia’s influence in the world?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia in the UN Security Council
Will Australia’s time on the United Nations Security Council will be good for Australia, bad for Australia, or make no difference?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Views of offshore processing
And are you personally in favour or against the offshore processing of unauthorised asylum seekers? And is that strongly or somewhat?
Asked inChina
China as the leading power in Asia
Please say whether you agree or disagree that China will become the leading power in Asia or, do you think it already is the leading power in Asia?
Asked inChina
Comfort with China leading Asia
You think China will become the leading power in Asia. Please say whether you are very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, somewhat uncomfortable or very uncomfortable about this.
Immigration and refugees
Criteria for new migrants
Please say whether you personally think each of the following is an important criteria or not an important criteria for determining which migrants should be allowed to come to Australia to live
Asked inDemocracy
Importance of human rights in Australia
And now I will ask you about the United Nations and human rights. The United Nations has set out a number of human rights that it says apply to all people throughout the world. I am going to read you a few of these. For each one, please say whether you personally agree or disagree that it is important for you here in Australia. And is that strongly or partly?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Important criteria for new migrants
Which one is the most important criteria for determining which migrants should be allowed to come to Australia to live?
Asked inPacific Islands
Restarting dialogue with Fiji
Would you now personally be in favour or against the Australian government restarting ministerial-level contacts with this government in Fiji?
Asked inImmigration and refugees
Arguments about unauthorised asylum seekers
I am now going to read you a few different arguments that have been made about unauthorised asylum seekers arriving here by boat. For each one please say whether you personally agree or disagree.
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Goals of Australian foreign policy
Thinking about what Australian foreign policy should be trying to achieve, I am going to read a list of goals, and ask you to tell me how important each one is for Australia.
Pacific Islands
Approach to Fiji sanctions
Which one of the following approaches do you think the Australian government should now take with the regime in Fiji regarding sanctions...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Morality of Australian foreign policy
Now about Australia’s foreign policy. Do you think that, as compared to other countries, the morality of Australia’s foreign policy is above average, about average, or below average?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australia's bid for a UNSC seat
Should Australia should seek a temporary seat on the United Nations Security Council?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Use of Australian military forces
In what situation should Australia deploy its armed forces?
Asked in