21 questions match this tag
Climate change and energy
Energy policy priorities for government
Now thinking about energy policy, which one of the following goals do you personally think should be the main priority for the Federal Government?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Renewables and energy supply
I am going to read some statements about renewable energy and energy supply. Please say which one of these statements comes closest to your own point of view...
Climate change and energy
Attitudes to fossil fuels
Now here are some statements made by other people about fossil fuels such as coal. Please say whether you personally agree or disagree with each of the following statements...
Asked inClimate change and energy
Direct action or emissions trading scheme
Next about carbon emissions. In your personal view, which one of the following would you most prefer that the federal government do to reduce carbon emissions?
Climate change and energy
Australia's approach to multilateral climate negotiations
In the lead up to the 2015 UN climate change conference in Paris 2015, which one of the following two statements most closely represents your own view of the approach the Australian government should take in international climate negotiations?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Future sources of electricity
Which one of these energy sources do you think will be our primary source of electricity 10 years from now?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Leadership or consensus role on climate action
Thinking now about international policy on the issue of global warming and carbon emissions, which ONE of the following comes closest to your own personal views on what the Australian government should be doing?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Emissions Trading Scheme legislation
Thinking now about the legislation the Gillard Labor government passed last year introducing a fixed price on carbon that will then lead to an Emissions Trading Scheme. Are you personally in favour or against this legislation? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Climate change and energy
Removal of Emissions Trading Scheme
And if a Liberal Nationals Coalition government is elected at the next Federal election, would you personally be in favour or against that Coalition government removing the Emissions Trading Scheme set up by the Gillard Labor Government? Is that strongly or somewhat?
Climate change and energy
Concern about climate change
Since the climate change debate began in Australia, have you personally become more concerned or less concerned about climate change than you were when the debate began in Australia, or, have you not changed your mind at all?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Reasons for opposing an emissions trading scheme
You said you were against the legislation. For each one of the following please say whether you agree or disagree it is a reason why you personally are against the legislation...
Asked inClimate change and energy
Federal government's efforts on climate change
Now about the current Federal government’s efforts to address climate change? Do you think the current Federal government has done a good job, or a poor job, in addressing climate change?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Willingness to pay for climate solutions
One suggested way of tackling climate change is to increase the price of electricity. If it helped solve climate change how much extra would you be willing to pay each month on your electricity bill?
Climate change and energy
Reduction of emissions ahead of global agreement
Do you personally agree, or disagree that Australia should take action to reduce its carbon emissions before a global agreement is reached?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Likelihood of solving climate change
Over the past 12 months do you think a solution to the problem of climate change has become...
Asked inClimate change and energy
Problem of climate change
Would you say climate change is a problem or is not a problem?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Urgency of climate change
Over the past 12 months do you think obtaining a solution to the problem of climate change has become...
Asked inClimate change and energy
Effectiveness of Kyoto Protocol
The Australian government recently ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Please say which of the following statements comes closest to your own belief. Australia’s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol...
Asked inClimate change and energy
Government's ability to deal with global warming
Global warming is seen as an important issue. How confident are you in the government’s ability to deal with this issue?
Asked inClimate change and energy
Alternative energy options
On the issue of climate change ... Thinking about the next 25 years in Australia, please say how convincing you find the case for each of the following methods.
Asked inClimate change and energy
Importance of climate change goals for Australia
In terms of Australia’s overall priorities, which one of the following goals should be most important to Australia?
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