7 questions match this tag
COVID-19 pandemic
Willingness to travel
Thinking about when the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is contained in the future, are you more or less likely to travel overseas than you were prior to the outbreak?
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Government responses to the execution of Australians overseas
The following Is a list of ways for the Australian government to respond if an Australian citizen is executed in another country as a result of a death penalty. Do you personally agree or disagree that the Australian government should...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Australian government agencies
How important are the Australian government agencies involved in international relations?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Consular support to Australians
Now on the consular support the Australian government gives travellers when they encounter difficulty overseas. I am going to read out some statements other people have made about the consular support government gives to Australian travellers in difficulty overseas. For each one please say whether you personally agree or disagree...
Asked inAustralian foreign policy
Goals of Australian foreign policy
Thinking about what Australian foreign policy should be trying to achieve, I am going to read a list of goals, and ask you to tell me how important each one is for Australia.
Security and defence
Consular assistance in dangerous events
Is it the duty of the Australian government to provide assistance to Australians caught up in dangerous events in another country?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Consular assistance to dual citizens
If they are citizens of the other country as well as citizens of Australia, is it still the duty of the Australian government to help them?
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