8 questions match this tag
Security and defence
Costs and benefits of war in Afghanistan
All in all, considering the costs to Australia versus the benefits to Australia, do you personally think the war in Afghanistan has been worth fighting, or not worth fighting?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Continued military involvement in Afghanistan
Should Australia continue to be involved militarily in Afghanistan?
Security and defence
Special forces remaining in Afghanistan
Would you personally be in favour or against Australian special forces staying on in Afghanistan to work alongside US special forces in more limited counter-terrorism operations after major combat operations end?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Australia's involvement in Afghanistan
Is this a valid reason for Australia to remain militarily involved in Afghanistan?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Confidence of aims in Afghanistan
Are you confident that Australia has clear aims in Afghanistan?
Security and defence
Threats to Australia's security
Is the Afghan war, instability in Pakistan or the Iranian nuclear program the greatest threat to Australia’s security at the moment?
Asked inSecurity and defence
Goals of military involvement in Afghanistan
Thinking about Australia’s military involvement in Afghanistan, please say which of the following statements most closely reflects your own view. Australia is involved militarily in Afghanistan ...
Security and defence
Democracy in the Middle East
Should Australia play an active role in efforts to promote democracy in the Middle East?
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