- United States
- Joint military action under President Trump
Now about Australia joining with the US in future military action. Now that Donald Trump is president of the United States, are you personally more likely or less likely than you were previously to support Australia taking future military action in coalition with the US under Donald Trump, or does it make no difference to you?
This question was last asked in 2018.
- 0%
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
- 100%
This question was first asked in a 2016 poll of 1002 Australian adults conducted between 1 and 9 June 2016 by Field Works Market Research on behalf of the Lowy Institute. The question wording was: 'If Donald Trump becomes president of the United States, would you personally be more likely or less likely than you are now, to support Australia taking future military action in coalition with the US under Donald Trump, or would it make no difference to you?
Dashed line indicates change in mode: see Methodology.
- More likely
- Less likely
- Makes no difference to me
All groups