Attitudes to free trade I am going to read you some statements about moving towards freer trade. This question was asked in 2007. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Enables Australian business to open new markets for Australian products 34 50 8 3 4 Puts Australia at a disadvantage because of our high labour and environmental standards 30 38 19 6 6 Leads to lower prices and more product choices for consumers 24 48 15 6 7 Costs more Australian jobs than it creates 19 31 29 7 13 Helps to increase prosperity, both in Australia and in other parts of the world 18 49 18 8 6 Makes the world more stable by putting people from different countries in contact with each other 16 48 21 8 6 Leads to more economic and social inequality in Australia 16 34 32 8 9 Leads to lower quality jobs in Australia 12 30 38 12 7